30day challenge: 26.

Day 26: What do you think about your friends?


My friends are awesome.


Again, resisting the urge to write “The End” here because that’s what I think about my friends – they’re awesome. You. Are. All. Awesome.


Instead I’ll tell a story.


Once upon a time, a girl – recently adrift in the world of friends (owing to unfortunate incidents already discussed), started forming connections online with people she found interesting and entertaining and inspiring.


When they asked her to come outside and play in the real world, she did, deciding to be brave and follow her nose to see what adventures appeared.


They all proved to be the most magical and amazing people who would jump without hesitation to her or anyone else’s aid, lending ears for listening or shoulders to cry on or stories for laughter or hugs for the hell of it.


They opened their homes and their hearts without any hesitation. They accepted the girl and all her quirks without question.


And now, the girl, when she sits and marvels at what has happened over such a short time, can’t help but shake her head in disbelief at the workings of the world and the amount of totally awesome people in it.


The End.

30day challenge: 25.

Day 25: What’s in your bag?


Not sure how this is going to be in any way fascinating, not sure if I can even spin any story out of it, but you asked for it so here goes.


inside my bag

The best thing in my bag is the lining. It’s super cool. I love this bag. It’s an Olga Berg, my favourite bag making person.


On the outside it’s pretty nondescript, a very low key but stylish black leather jobby; on the inside it’s a pretty pattern of flowers and leaves – not as naff as it sounds. It cheers me up anyway.


The only thing I hate about this bag (or any bag) is that when I put my hand in to find something I end up touching every single other thing in the bag first before I reach what I want, no matter what it is I’m looking for. It’s some sort of glitch in the matrix, I swear. Sometimes after searching for ages for something I will swear black and blue that it’s not in there at all only to suddenly see it sitting in there later in the day. Damn dirty bag tricks.


I feel a little like Ally Sheedy in Breakfast Club right now. Here goes nothing *empties bag onto floor*


At the moment it’s holding… (Drumroll)…


  • half a packet of Coles brand paracetamol (gotta love generic),
  • roll on deodorant (Nivea pure invisible if you must know – smells lovely and stays away from your clothes… I really should be sponsored for this shit),
  • Vaseline hand cream AND a tube of L’Occitane acacia flower hand cream recently purchased in Vegas (for when I feel like being a little more upmarket about my hand cream application),
  • a little pot of paw paw cream for the lips,
  • Sennheiser earbuds in their little bag,
  • another empty Sennheiser bag – I have no explanation for why I’m carrying it around,
  • a little purse pack of tissues, only in there because of my recent foray into the world of snot,
  • a packet of chewies with only two left,
  • my wallet (my poor, overworked, wallet),
  • black Moleskine notebook with dirty edges, two thirds full of scribbled ramblings on the run,
  • pen,
  • a citrix chip for work (you know, a password generator thing-a-me-bob that lets me log in off-site),
  • one plastic spoon (?),
  • digital camera (I like to carry it around in case I see something snapworthy),
  • black eyeliner pencil (thrown in yesterday to take to work for halloween in case anyone wanted to draw black things on their face. They didn’t),
  • a green jade happy buddha all the way from Vietnam, given to me by my last boyfriend,
  • Transperth smart rider (a misnomer),
  • spare rubber thingamys for my earbuds,
  • a printout for my cut and paste micro festival ticket (GET YOURS NOW),
  • one lonely tampon,
  • one black hairclip.

I don’t know how your day could get any better than reading all of that. I mean, the fascination and awe! The excitement! How can anything else top it? I for one am overcome.


Feel free to tell me what my contents say about me for I have no idea.

30day challenge: 24.

Day 24: A letter to your parents.





Like a bandaid.


Dear Dad,


Thanks for bringing me into the world. You were pretty young yourself. I can’t remember the last time I saw you. My favourite photo is of me as a teeny tiny baby in your arms while you sat in your fire truck. Hope you’re having an awesome life. Very nice taste being into Harleys. I don’t thank you for my chin – I’m not very partial to my chin. Or my freckles.


Dear Mum,


Thanks for bringing me into the world. You were pretty young yourself. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. Thanks for trusting me through my teen years – it really made a difference and influenced my decisions. Thanks for sticking up for me when I needed it. Now I really really need you to look after yourself. Don’t be the martyr. Your health is important.


Dear stepdad,


Man, you had some issues. I guess you did things the best way you knew how. I hope you’ve grown, matured, refined your decision-making process, learnt from your mistakes. I still don’t think my actions through all five years of high school warranted me being grounded for 90% of the time. If you think about it, I was a pretty good, straight down the line kid. But thanks for it all anyway, because it made me get out and walk on my own as soon as I could, vowing never to come back.


Dear parental figures in my life,


Thankyou all, warts and all. I turned out ok regardless.




30day challenge: 23.

Day 23: Something you crave.


Cravings are fickle things. One day I’ll crave sweet, the next, savoury. One day noise, the next, silence. One day company, the next, solitude.


I don’t have a constant craving. But now I do have k.d lang in my head singing like a dog howling, or air escaping a balloon: “cohhhhhhhhnstaaaaaaaant craaaaaaaaaviiiiiiing”. Blech.


If I absolutely must come up with something it would be close companionship. I crave a soul mate who can hang with me when I want sweet or savoury, or noise or silence, or company or – ok the last one doesn’t work, but you get the picture.


Yeah. I’ll go with that. Well, that or pistachio nuts.

30day challenge: 22.

Day 22: What makes you different from everyone else?


Duh. Everything. There is no other me.


I’m really fighting the urge to follow that sentence with, “The End” because this is a writing exercise and it would defeat the purpose, but seriously, that’s all there is to it – everything about me makes me different from everyone else. I AM a beautiful and unique snowflake, so there.


Sometimes the enormity of our uniqueness will hit me and I’ll walk through the city or sit somewhere watching everyone go past and just marvel at our total and utter individuality.


It’s such a dichotomy though: sure, we’re different from everyone else, but we all still go through the same experiences, and in that regard we’re all exactly the same.


We all struggle with love, death, taxes, religion, loneliness, family issues, waking up in the morning, overindulgence, health, jobs, and trying to dress ourselves properly after a night on the turps (or maybe that one’s just me). We all laugh, cry, eat, shit, die.


No one else wears my eyes though; no one else sees things the way I do, and there is no way for me to see things the way another person does. I can’t feel what another person feels, I can only imagine what they’re feeling.


That’s our point of difference, and that’s what makes me different to everyone else – the place I stand in the world to observe and try to understand it.

30day challenge: 21

Day 21: A picture of something that makes you happy.


port beach locals

I love seagulls. That’s right, their only fan base seems to be little kids who like to chase them, and I. If my adoration marks me as odd, I care not.


Look at them long enough when they’re quietly standing on the sand and you’ll start to hear their silence; their contemplative nature is infectious.


I’ve watched them stare out to sea with what looks like a sense of longing – for what, I don’t know, they won’t tell me. When they drift off to sleep and their head starts to nod, it’s adorable. When they fly low overhead their grey/white bodies against the aqua blue sky look amazing.


They’re much maligned. Admittedly they don’t have the dulcet tones and cheeky moves of a willy wagtail, or the grace and beauty of a swan, or much more purpose than cleaning up dropped chips and shitting on your car, but they still make me smile.


Dedicated to the wisest of gulls, Mr Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

30day challenge: 20.

Day 20: Someone you see yourself marrying or being with in the future.


Today, mid morning, after nothing extraordinary occurred, I felt a wave of utter loneliness smack into me. I deflated like a sad balloon.


It’s been too long since I’ve had a proper relationship and every now and then I give up the daily struggle to be ok about that; I tire of waiting patiently. I get sick of hugging myself.


There are only so many times you can tell yourself you never know what’s around the corner, you shouldn’t give up, that the world works in its own time frame.


If I could see my future it would save me a lot of angst. I wouldn’t keep worrying about never finding a lover to share my life with and being alone for the rest of my life.


I refuse to settle; I still believe that I’ll know love when I see it and there will be some sort of inner recognition that ‘this is the one’.


So, short answer is I don’t see a particular someone. The fog has rolled in over my future and I can’t see anything. I just have to keep hoping that under the fog is a man who loves me and who I love back, and wants to hang with me and watch me get wrinkly.

30day challenge: 19.

Day 19: Nicknames you have and why.


This has just made me realise how beige I may actually be. I don’t really have any discernable quirks or signature moves that would give birth to a nickname.


Apart from the occasional variation on my name (like Melski) the closes thing I have would be Little Mel. Not hard to guess where it comes from – I’m teeny. 


It was coined by a cheeky friend in high school who used to pick me up and spin me around his head like a helicopter. Only he would ever get away with doing it; I definitely wouldn’t have put up with it from anyone else.


I’m still close friends with him but you know, old age and all of that, I doubt his back would take it these days.


For some reason I’ve stuck with it and it’s grown on me – pardon the pun.

30day challenge: 18.

Day 18: Plans, goals, dreams.


Plans. Plan. A plan. I plan to…



Goals. As previously mentioned I’m not really one for setting goals, although after enjoying plugging away at the few I set for this month I might have to revise that stance.


Dreams. Well the one I had last night was me on an alien planet hiding in an aircraft hangar trying to avoid a wicked meteor storm.


Plans Goals Dreams. It’s really the same thing. You have a dream, you turn it into a goal, you set down a plan to make it happen.


So what are mine? *cue 30 second thinking music*


This is what I desire. I want to renovate my little place so I can sell it if I want to. I could sell it as it is but I don’t want to. I want to build on this investment and get something out of it. More importantly I want to prove to myself that I can do it, because let me be quite clear here – I. Hate. Renovating.


Living on my own makes it even harder. How does anyone manage to organise a renovation around a worklife? I don’t want strange tradies in my house around all my stuff when I’m not there. And where am I going to pee? How am I going to shower when my bathroom’s out of action? I don’t want to join a gym. I don’t want to cart a towel to work to sneak upstairs and get myself all wet. Sigh.


To be honest with you my only other long term goal is to find my happiness within. Happiness and contentment is really the only goal worth having. To be happy wherever you are, doing whatever you do – that is the real nirvana.


Oh, and find love. Yes, love and a companion to share it with would be awesome. Wouldn’t hurt if he had a pretty penny or two and a place by the beach. Make it so.

30day challenge: 17.

Day 17: Who would you want to switch lives with for a day?


I’ve been thinking about this all day. Billionaire? Superstar? High powered executive? A day in their life would probably leave me feeling empty.


I would really love to switch places with someone who was terminally ill. I know technically we’re all terminal, but we forget. Or we choose not to remember.


Once you can feel your body failing you and you have someone telling you that you only have x amount of months to live, living becomes a totally different thing.


You appreciate everything. Everything you see is in high def. You no longer buy into the posturing, the egotism, the energy suckers. You appreciate what is actually important in life. You discover your divinity. Your eyes are opened.


At least, that’s what I imagine it’s like.


I think I’d like just one day of that, to remind me that all the little stuff I torture myself with every day is utter bullshit, that while I suffer through the things that drain me, sap my core dry and make me miserable, while I whinge about what I think is pain and suffering, I miss out on understanding real pain and suffering, and the real truth of what this life is about.

30day challenge: 16.

Day 16: Another photo of yourself.


Blah. For a writing challenge this has way too many pictures.


To give it some sort of purpose my slant for this post shall be music festivals.


I am a self-confessed festival junkie. I started late, and I’ll finish late. I don’t care. They fill me with positive spirit and that’s a good thing. Why get rid of a good thing just because of society’s preconceived ideas of age appropriate behaviour?


Admittedly I do think there will come a time when I have to pull the plug; I only hope the allure wears off before my body wears down. I’m (unsuccessfully) trying to cut down this festival season – it’s an obvious ‘not yet’ from my heart.


What you get out of a festival depends on what eyes you wear. A lot of people whinge about the posing and posturing from the patrons, the tryhards with their shirts off, the skanky blondes with their arse cheeks hanging out. All I ever see are people wailing with it, getting into the music, having an awesome time in their little minds, a collective hive of people tuned into the vibe. People not afraid to let their freak flag fly.


Personally I spend the whole day immersed in awesome beats with the biggest grin on my face, dancing my arse off for hours at a time and not caring what I look like doing it. I come home covered in sweat and dust and already planning the next one.


summdayze08  summadayze10


BDO08     BDO08

30day challenge: 15

Day 15: Put your iPod on shuffle and list the first 10 songs.


There are so many songs in my iTunes I haven’t even listened to, and triple that amount that I’ve never even touched on Winamp. I don’t usually use shuffle because it’s just too eclectic – usually I’m in a specific mood so at the very least I’ll pick a genre and shuffle that. So, this could be mighty embarrassing.


1. Special K, Placebo.

I love this song. “No hesitation, no delay, you come on just like special K, just like I swallowed half my stash, and never ever want to crash”


2. The 16th Hour, Deadmau5.

Atmospheric, throbby, pumping, this is a good song to walk through the city to. It’s my perfect walking pace and makes me feel invincible. Actually most of Deadmau5 works for that.


3. Earthquake Weather, Beck.

I went through a Beck stage but haven’t listened to him for a while. I definitely need to be in the mood. This tune’s got a nice laidback beat though; nice background to a chilled sunday arvo.


4. If I Know You, The Presets.

Love love love this. I know almost all the words and I’ve been known to belt it out in the car a couple of times in a row on the way home from work. “And tonight, if we learn that the world’s on fire, I guess I’ll turn to you, I hope I never, I hope I never have to”.


5. Shed My Skin, D*Note.

Wow this song makes another appearance in the 30day challenge. This is one of the happiest songs and film clips I know. If I need to be cheered up or empowered, this song will do it. “I don’t mind what people say, no I won’t look back for another day, gonna shed my skin and walk away”. Beautiful.


6. Rykketid, Trentemoller.

Trentemoller is a whole lot of win. One day I’ll get to hear him in the flesh. This is a good example of his bubble-tech vibe and the reason I love him to death.


7. Drain You, Nirvana.

Love me some Nirvana. Good to yell to or just dump some pent up energy. “The water is so yellow I’m a healthy student”. Grunge poet extraordinaire.


8. Runaway Lover, Madonna.

It’s mandatory to have some Madonna on rotation. Don’t judge me. There are a lot of things I like about her ‘Music’ album, probably because she put a bit of electro kick in it.


9. Rapture, iiO.

Her voice gets me every time.


10. Can You Rock it Like This, Run DMC.

Like Madonna, it’s the law to have some Run DMC on hand for those 80’s moments. This isn’t one of my favourite songs from them though. Give me ‘It’s Tricky’ any day.


Ok, I’m happy with that. It’s a keeper. Good job iPod.

30day challenge: 14.

Day 14: A picture of you and your family.


No can do. Well, not one picture of us all together.


I’m related to most of New Zealand and they’re all still over there, breeding like there’s no tomorrow. Every time I check Facebook another cousin’s had another baby. I’m sure they think I’m letting the side down with my childless living, but I choose to see it as doing my bit to restore the balance.


Ironically with such a large family I’m not very family oriented. I don’t catch up with them much, even though my mum, sister, niece and one of my aunties live less than 10minutes away. It really is tragic.


Every family has its issues and I don’t really feel like going into any of mine, so here are some happy snaps to fill the rest of the page. Hover over them for how they slot into my life:


my beautiful niece

rach (cuz in law), sis, jason (cuz), me


scott (cuz), and i

my favourite pic of my sis and i


gundy (cuz) and the newest edition to the family

auntie and my mum hiding at the back

30day challenge: 13.

Day 13: Write a letter to someone who has hurt you.


Dear everyone who has hurt me,


From the father who left to the stepfather who battled me until I left at the age of 17, to the boyfriend who walked out of an engagement, to the many boys who used me and never called me back, to the friends who betrayed me,


I forgive you.


Because you didn’t know any better, because if I don’t forgive you I will never get over it, because not letting go of the hurt will make me the loser – I forgive you.


Because my life is richer for the lessons you have taught me, because of the strength you’ve made me discover in myself – I forgive you.


Because you have shown me my guardian angels – I thank you.


Hugs and kisses,


30day challenge: 12.

Day 12: Why do you blog?


Blogging is my therapy.


I don’t do it for fame or fortune or even acknowledgement, I do it to keep myself sane.


Though it did take me a while to pluck up the courage to start.


For a while social networks like Myspace and Facebook were providing me with a good enough outlet for the extrovert within and acting like literary leeches for my mental blood-letting, but I knew I needed something more structured and without all the frou-frou.


I also wanted to write. Just write. Put words together in some sort of structure that amused me. I needed a creative outlet.


So, one evening with nothing better to do, this blog was born.


Here is my little corner of the internet where I unload the thoughts in my brain, play with words, understand what’s going on in my head even as I’m writing the thoughts down.


Then one day I felt like balance was required, and lifeonmirth was born.


Now I have two little corners of the internet where I can come and play or pout or poeticise or poke fun at myself – to what end I still don’t know.


My only hope is that my writing improves and sanity ensues.

30day challenge: 11.

Day 11: Another pic of you and your friends.


We’ve already done this. Let’s talk about Twitter instead.


It’s kind of related – I can’t believe how many awesome friends I’ve met lately because of Twitter. It flies in the face of the usual image of people with active online lives having no real life to speak of. Untrue, happily.


This little community really looks out for each other. When someone’s down there’s always someone ready to help them out, prop them up, distract them, whatever needs to be done to make them feel better.


If you happen to be in the same city there’s even a willingness to grab a cup of coffee or a beer or two and just have a nice little chinwag, IRL.


Twitter is what you make of it and I choose to make it the place where I find inspiration and amazing people to weave into my life.


I wish I had more pics of you all. I’m sure over time I’ll get you!



IMG_1807 IMG_1850


IMG_1813 IMG_1847

30day challenge: 10.

Day 10: Songs for when you’re happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad.


Music is my therapy, my saviour, the salve for my soul,

my sanity, my safe place, my green padded room,

the electrical current to jumpstart my heart,

the life raft I cling to when everything’s dark.


In short, without music I would have a full-blown case of the crazies.


Electronica is the flavour I listen to most because it’s such a broad category. It can cover everything from rage to bliss to chill to background sound to down and dirty barefoot dancing.


If I’m happy anything goes. If I need to get happy I’ll probably put on some Beastie Boys (always guaranteed to get me smiling), Mr Scruff, Axwell, Kraak and Smaak or this song by D*note.


Sadness would be a Massive Attack, Portishead, Radiohead or similar moment – something low, slow and throbby.


Bored is a weird one. I don’t understand bored. I’m changing this to just chilling out, which would be when I’d stream some house, or funk, or put on some chillout. Pool beats, laidback tunes, nothing too assaulting.


Hyped – to get hyped it needs to be fast and phat. Lots of beat and bass sprinkled with cheeky smiles, like MSTRKRFT, Prodigy, Underworld, Daft Punk, Chemical Brothers.


Mad for me is similar to hyped – I need the musical equivalent of a punching bag. I need something to help me dump the rage, either through yelling at the top of my lungs or dancing like a crazyperson until I collapse. Karnivool, Birds of Tokyo, Prodigy, Pendulum.


This only scrapes the surface of my likes. If you want more there’s always my little musical playground at blip.fm I guess…


nnss nnss nnss.

30day challenge: 9.

Day 9: Something recent I’m proud of.


Or should that be, something I’m recently proud of? Or, something I’m proud of recently? Meh.


Today I did something I hardly ever do – I took a sick day off work.


This is a big thing for me, because I usually have to be unable to walk or remain upright for any length of time before I’ll stay home.


This stupid cold has been nagging away at me for a couple of weeks now.  I’ve watched it phlegmatically rumble around in my chest supplying me with wheezy coughing fits, then move up into my nose supplying me with enough mucous to power a small mucous-powered village (and keep Kleenex in the biz, fo shiz), then slide down into my throat with what feels like an army of midgets redecorating the walls of my throat with their needlepoint efforts. Funtimes.


Yet through it all I’ve still – even if only barely – been able to function. The problem is my energy levels by the end of the day are nonexistent and I'm almost in tears at the full body aches I get by 3pm.


So, after yet another shithouse sleeping effort last night of only around 3 or 4 hours, I decided to listen to my poor body and keep it horizontal for a day.


By going to work I just prolong the time it takes for my body to repair itself. Body was starting to kick me in the arse with impatience at my continued petulance.


I’m proud I finally decided to listen to it and give it the time out it needed.

30day challenge: 8.

Day 8: List some short term goals for this month.


I’m the least goal oriented person I know. One day I’ll have to see a life coach and get that in order.


I see all these people powering through life with their short and long term goals and wish I could be like them, but I can’t pump the care factor up enough to float me there.


At work my boss is always telling us to have five short term goals each month and every month I fob him off. I’m so lazy! I drift like a dandelion seed and if I bump into something I just see what comes of it.


Perhaps it’s a fear of failure? It also has to do with the fact that I tire of anything once it gets down to the nitty gritty. I like coming up with ideas but the follow-through makes me yawwwwn. Plus, I have zero personal discipline. I just can’t make me do anything I don’t want to do, no matter how much I yell at me. Stubborn little so and so.


But, for the sake of this exercise, I’ll humour you.



1. Have at least one week of sobriety.

If you know me, you’ll know how hard that’s going to be, but I’m cheating a little on this one – I already designated this week booze-free and I’m already at the halfway point. Oh yeah, I’ll be able to red texta this one for sure.


2. Do the 30day challenge every day.

Or at least, only ever be one day behind, and if so, do two blogs the next day. So far so good.


3. Read a book.

From start to finish. I have so many half-read books lying around. I think it’s about time I finished at least one of them, even though they’re all re-reads. Books are nice. Yes, I think I’ll try and get in the habit of reading in bed before I fall asleep, instead of twittering in bed.


4. Wash and vacuum the car.

Laaame! But seriously, it needs it. I’ll give myself a deadline of the end of the month to actually do it.


5. Lean one new fact a day.

Any fact at all. As random as can be. My brain seems to be losing a lot of the useless information it used to hold. I think it’s time to top it up again.


Well that was relatively painless. I should do it more often… if I manage to get through these first…

30day challenge: 7.

Day 7: What has had the biggest impact on my life?



Om. Aum. The sound of the universe. The sound of the vibration in every cell of every thing. This beautiful symbol has changed my life.


The most major thing to happen to me occurred when I met my first serious boyfriend at the age of 17. From each relationship I’ve inherited a little of the other’s philosophy, or musical taste, or in this case, spirituality. I really believe the direction of my life took a turn for the better after meeting him.


I started to learn a little of the philosophies and ideologies of Hinduism and Buddhism and they just seemed to make sense to me.


Now when someone asks me what my religion is, I say I don’t have one specific religion, I have spiritual ideas of my own made up from a few different religions. Maybe I should call it a choose-your-own-adventure religion. Pick-and-mix. But all of the ideas that resonate with me lead back to the idea of OM.


There’s nothing but Om. Good, bad, solid, liquid, alive, dead – it’s all just OM.


That’s why I wear two around my neck and one on my arm. It’s my power symbol. A nice reminder that I’m just vibration and stardust, and so is everyone and everything else.




om shanthi

30day challenge: 6.

Day 6: Your favourite superhero, and why.


Wonder Womaaaan!


Oh yeah, I wanted to be Wonder Woman when I grew up. How could I not look up to a beautiful, strong brunette?


My youth was filled with Spiderman, He-Man, She-Ra, The Incredible Hulk, The Six Million Dollar Man, The Bionic Woman, The Greatest American Hero, The Wonder Twins and the occasional Danger Mouse, but it was always Wonder Woman I wanted to dress up as. I wanted my own invisible plane, lasso of truth, and kickarse tiara. I wanted those legs and that perfect hair and a waist off the hook.


I’m actually glad I grew up when I did, right after feminism had gone through its psycho teething stage and women were starting to stride forwards, in slacks. Girl power!

30day challenge: 5.

Day 5: A picture of somewhere you’ve been.


My favourite travel photo is from Sri Lanka in the early 90’s – also my favourite destination, but unfortunately it’s old-school and I don’t have a scanner, so you miss out on that one. Just take my word for it that it’s mighty purdy, with the sun rising through palm trees and beautiful green grass. It also holds a special place because it’s on the south-east coast of Sri Lanka, right where the tsunami hit and I’m almost certain the little village would have been levelled.


In its place I offer you one of my recent trips, Beijing.


the forbidden city of ants


China is a place I’ve never been interested in visiting, but when a free trip is handed to you it’s very hard to turn it down.


I rate this trip as my biggest culture shock out of all of my travels so far. I’ve done a little bit of Asia so I’m used to dirt and pollution, but China is in a class of its own. The smog is unbelievable! I felt like a pack a day smoker by the end of it. Not exactly great for taking photos either.


It was also the first time I had travelled somewhere without knowing at least a little of the language. There is almost no way to connect with a place when you have no idea what’s going on. It also made the task of trying to find vegequarian food to eat super difficult – I mean fun, super fun. I still feel sorry for the poor bloke in the foodcourt having to put up with my mime and sound routine trying to order noodles - “no moo. mmmooo” *shake head* “no moo. fish good!” *nod head, swim hand through the air*. Ah me.


outside the forbidden city


The Forbidden City was pretty cool I guess, but I really lit up when we went to the Great Wall of China – definitely my highlight. The air was cleaner, there were actual green things growing, the wall invoked awe. Who knew bricks could be so fascinating?




Perhaps I’ll go back to China one day – there is something about Shanghai that interests me, but there are so many other places I want to go first. Travel is my life. When I think of all the places I’ve yet to see it frustrates me. I can’t watch travel shows because I end up in tears at some point – true story.


The world is an amazing place and I really believe you only discover who you are when you fling yourself at its far corners.

30day challenge: 4.

Day 4: A habit you wish you didn’t have.


Just the one? Ok I’ll go with the first one to assault my brain. Boys are my weakness.


It’s no secret that I tend to favour the younger men, the ‘boys’. There’s just something about their awkwardness that seems to draw me to them time and time again. A buff, youthful body helps too (pauses… recalls images… swoons…).


Or maybe it’s just because I like feeling young…


No, I’m going to go with my other theory that I have anti-father issues. I don’t think much of authority.


I’ve had a strange saunter through my relationships, each one holding a special spot in my heart, the young’uns even more so. Strange that my relationships kicked off with a man 7 years my senior when I was only 17. He was a capricorn though – they regress as they get older.


Since then my little flings have all been younger guys, and although I’ve enjoyed it (oh, have I ever…), I think it’s time I grew up and found someone on the same page as me. The boys are never going to go the distance with me.


For me that’s still probably going to mean a man a few years younger. At my age that’s not going to be hard!

30day challenge: 3.

Day 3: A picture of you and your friends.


I bet most people had no problems with this one. For me it’s proving a little tender. I could have gone the non-tender route, plucked some pithy photo from a recent music festival or random night on the booze, but I think I’d be missing the point. And so, I present for your amusement, a tender spot.




This photo’s about a year old but I just love it. The whole night was magical misted. Every single photo was blessed with awesomeness. It’s like everything aligned to create a perfect moment in time.


I’m second from the left in case you don’t know, and the other three were my partners in cheekiness. I say were, because I haven’t seen any of them for quite a while now.


The lovely lady on the right is a very talented flautist who moved to Melbourne to continue her career (*shakes fist at Perth’s inadequacy in holding onto talent*).


Not long after that I had a pretty major falling out with the girl next to her, the one who brought us all together. I’ve known her since 1999. We still haven’t spoken and I fear it will never be resolved now. It’s probably a subject for another post, but in short, she inferred I was something I was not – one too many times for my liking, and I spat it. One of my failings is that the closer you are to me, the bigger the grudge I’ll hold if you do me wrong. I’ll psychoanalyse that for you another time I think.


The cheeky monkey on the left is a total bundle of awesomeness that I don’t get to see anymore, by proxy.


Before these three I didn’t really have girl friends. I just seem to resonate better with men. Men are straight up and down, what you see is what you get, no tricksy multi-layering, no double meanings. Then I discovered the awesome peeps above and realised how important it is to have close female friends. Life was good. Every fun moment was spent in their company.


People are in your life for as long as they need to be to teach you something and then they go. I haven’t decided whether these three lovely people have taught me all I’m meant to learn yet; who knows, maybe that means we’ll cross paths again in the future. All I know is that it’s left a very bittersweet taste in my mouth.


As I get older it’s getting harder to make friends, so losing friends I already have is especially heartbreaking. Every time I break up with someone they take their friends with them. I hate these package deals!


So, on the subject of friends, I’m currently in a lull, severely lacking content. That’s why I’m loving twitter so much and actually making the effort to meet all these crazy people in the real world. But to make firm friends takes time, and I feel like I’m a late bloomer.




30day challenge: 2.

Day 2: The meaning behind your blog name.


Philosphorescence… Bit of a mouthful, eh. It’s mashup of Philosophy and Phosphorescence, to state the obvious.


Words are good. I like words. I like using them incorrectly, out of context; getting my wrong on. I like making new words too. Even the word portmanteau is a kickarse word. Words shouldn’t make boxes. When I wondered what to call this blog it was only fitting to mangle the English language to suit myself.


This is my little corner of the interwebs where I come to download the chaos in my mind and apply the light of philosophical navel-gazing to it, in the hope it may occasionally produce a lingering afterglow of understanding. A phosphorescent picture just seemed to suit that idea.


Or rant. Just rant. Just a place to paste up the darkness from my mind to get it out of there, give it legs, let it walk its own path instead of clogging up my brain.



I like the name of my other blog better – life on mirth, the white cousin to this dark brother, in look as well as content. My little yin and yang. Life on mirth was born from a desire to try and see what life can actually be like when you make the conscious decision to hang out on the happy side of the fence as much as you can. A life on earth in mirth. Meltopia.

30day challenge: 1.

Day 1: A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.


So, I shall start the 30 day challenge, taken up recently by so many of my wonderful twitter peeps, on a day that is not the first of the month, or even the first of a week, but a nondescript day being the 6th of the month, on a Wednesday. Because, just like any exercise challenge, don’t put off starting tomorrow what you can start today; excuses are for the weak. And what is this, but an exercising of the mind?

Dailybooth has the most recent photo of me. I used to have so many photos to choose from, but as I get older I tend to shy away from the camera; I don’t seem to be as photogenic as I was 5 years ago. Sad ‘tis.




I quite like this photo. It’s a good representation of where I’m at right at this moment in time. Bloodshot eyes, freckled face, but cheeky smile nonetheless. A defiant grin emerging out of the darkness. A floating head in the void. Warped and who cares.


1. I was actually baptised Mormon. Yes, I didn’t find this out until quite recently, but I was properly baptised into an organised religion. Thankfully my parents quickly switched to atheism and brought me up as such. I’m so glad I got to make up my own mind when I was old enough. Every child should have that privilege. A friend of mine married a Catholic and had to agree to bring up any of their future progeny as Catholics before they were allowed to marry. That doesn’t seem very fair to me. It smacks of number-swelling if you ask me.


2. I did 5 years on a music scholarship through high school. I played the flute in primary school, well enough to be accepted into a scholarship program, although I switched to clarinet purely because it’s what Woody Allen played. It didn’t take. No music career for me. But I’m so grateful I did it, because I have such an eclectic taste in music now, from Baroque through to electronica, minus Justin Bieber and Lady Gag.


3. I can raise my eyebrows independent of each other, roll my tongue to the left, right and in a circle, wiggle my ears and flare my nostrils. I hold steadfast to the idea that it’s all a sign of high intelligence.


4. I was once engaged to the man that took my cherry. I was with him for 11 years in total – 8 before he proposed, 3 afterwards. He chickened out. I made up for lost time after that.


5. My heritage is Maori/Scottish/Spanish. I have one single red hair from my Scottish side. I swear – one single red hair. The earliest ancestor I know of is Manuel Jose and he has his own website. My maternal side is so big when we have a reunion it makes the news in New Zealand. I’m related to NZ royalty (the All Blacks, that is). Oh, and let’s not go into the fact that Manuel was a polygamist…


6. My tribe is Ngati Porou (te iwi ngati porou). When I found out about this I can’t tell you how much power it gave me. To know that I had a tribe, and a canoe, and a mountain, and a river, and land, and a coat of arms was just so empowering. I truly believe that any person will hold their head up high when they find out their roots.


7. I can remember numbers from my childhood, like phone numbers of friends when I was in primary school, but don’t ask me what I had for lunch yesterday because I will struggle to remember.


8. I first drank alcohol when I was 15. Got so paralytic my friend had to slap me. Ended up peeing on her neighbour’s lawn and jumping in her pool fully clothed. Well, I’m sure that’s pretty normal by today’s standards…


9. I’ve dabbled in drugs but I’ll never inject or snort. I have to draw the line somewhere.


10. I truly believe I have two guardian angels looking after me – one male, one female. I don’t know their names, but I know without a doubt that they are there, and I love them profusely for all that they have done for me. I wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for them. I don’t care if that makes me sound like a loony, they’re real, and they’ve been by my bedside many times when I’ve been bawling my eyes out, providing hugs and caresses at my darkest times. I love them a lot. I also hope they forgive me.


11. The reason I love boobies so much is that I had a scare with my own and it made me realise how precious they are. Boobs are the best invention ever. I love mine to death even though they’re hardly worth writing home about, but I think of the alternative of not having them at all, and it makes me appreciate them every single day. Plus, boobies are so pretty I could look at boobies all day. Anyone’s boobies. Especially Jessica Alba’s and Monica Belluci’s. Bewwwwbs! #boobs.


12. I struggle with the black dog more than I like to admit. He’s a bad dog. I’m getting better at it though.


13. My power animal would definitely be the gecko. I love them. I don’t know why. Perhaps because they are cute as a button when they chase my most hated critter, the mosquito.


14. I’m a terrible extrovert. I can’t help it. I share too much of myself when I really should just keep cards close to my chest. It just seems like such a waste. We’re all humans on this planet trying to work out what’s going on. Why keep it to yourself? If you can resonate with someone by sharing something about yourself, why hesitate?


15. I can’t stand to see people in distress. I have to leave the room when prank calls are playing on the radio, I can’t watch practical jokes in action, I can’t lie to someone as a joke. However, animal cruelty will always cut me up more than human cruelty. To see defenceless animal taken advantage of makes me red with rage. Don’t even get me started on it.


Phew. The end. Well, only 29 days of this to go eh. Will you join the ride?