30day challenge: 17.

Day 17: Who would you want to switch lives with for a day?


I’ve been thinking about this all day. Billionaire? Superstar? High powered executive? A day in their life would probably leave me feeling empty.


I would really love to switch places with someone who was terminally ill. I know technically we’re all terminal, but we forget. Or we choose not to remember.


Once you can feel your body failing you and you have someone telling you that you only have x amount of months to live, living becomes a totally different thing.


You appreciate everything. Everything you see is in high def. You no longer buy into the posturing, the egotism, the energy suckers. You appreciate what is actually important in life. You discover your divinity. Your eyes are opened.


At least, that’s what I imagine it’s like.


I think I’d like just one day of that, to remind me that all the little stuff I torture myself with every day is utter bullshit, that while I suffer through the things that drain me, sap my core dry and make me miserable, while I whinge about what I think is pain and suffering, I miss out on understanding real pain and suffering, and the real truth of what this life is about.


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