please don’t let me be too old for doof

When my mother was my age, I was a teenager in my second year of high school. This depressing little nugget popped into my head as I pondered my possible upcoming retirement from the music festival scene.


I am a music festival tragic not befitting my age, and I’m saddened by the thought that soon I may have to start giving them a miss.


I love festival season. I love live music. I love the doof. I love the atmosphere and swimming in the auras of crazy-arsed people letting it all hang out. Summadayze, Parklife, Big Day Out, Blues & Roots… the euphoria, the vibes, the highs. I don’t want to give that up! Not yet!


Alas, my usually stalwart festival buddy is not very keen anymore; I think she’s growing up (even though I’ve got 7 years on her!).


It’s left me wondering whether I look like an old fool to all the young’uns at these things. Apparently I look young for my age, but with every year that passes, and with every new stress, trial, tribulation, setback and burnout that happens to me, the gap narrows between how young I look, and how old I actually am.


Sigh. My body betrays me.


I feel like these two factors are forcing me kicking and screaming into early retirement from the scene.


At my age, my mother was a fully-fledged responsible adult looking after a fully-fledged irresponsible teenager. Here I am, wondering whether I can squeeze in another year of magical festival doof without looking the fool.


But the lineup for the next festival off the rank, Parklife, is making me salivate! MSTRKFRT, Art Vs Science, Claude VonStroke, Bertie Blackman, Aston Shuffle, The Rapture! AAAARGH! Must! Go!


Maybe I’ll get over the shallowness of considering my physical appearance, and just go, and dance up a storm in the mosh-pit oblivious to everything, as I usually do at these things…


And how’s this for serendipity: I just turned on Spicks and Specks and they played this single line from Masters Apprentice -


“ooooo! Do what you wanna do, be what you wanna be, yeah!”

-- Because I Love You: Masters Apprentice







summadayze! summadayze!


Anonymous | July 8, 2009 at 9:34 PM

I say mosh pit away!!! I am only discovering my desire to attend festivals at 40 something and basically sober. Woodford, Bryon Blues Festival and Womadelaide are all on my to do list over the next couple of years and I have decided I go even if I go on my own!!!

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