punching to pop music

This song has been bugging me ever since I first heard it:



The lyrics are seriously warped. I’m sure I’m not just imagining it.


For example:


You hit me once

I hit you back

You gave a kick

I gave a slap

You smashed a plate over my head

Then I set fire to our bed.




I broke your jaw once before

I spilled our blood upon the floor

You broke my leg in return

So sit back and watch the bed burn.


Or the chorus,


A kick to the teeth is good for some

A kiss with a fist is better than none.




This is her take on it from her myspace blog:


kiss with a fist is NOT a song about domestic violence. it is about two people pushing each other to phsycological [sic] extremes because they love each other.


Ok, my metaphorical brain must be on hiatus, because I’m not feeling the love at all. I’m really really trying. Is the kick and the slap some sort of kinky S&M reference? Is the bed on fire meant to mean they’re having great sex? I don’t get it.


I’m sure there are people out there who have been either directly or indirectly exposed to domestic violence that would not be able to see the love connection in this in a blue fit.


Anyone who thinks a connection through physical violence is better than no connection at all is worth pitying. It’s not like it’s a rare occurrence either – there are tons of people for whom domestic violence is their way of life and they know no other. Most would have had their self esteem beaten out of them for so long that they believe their only means of connection with another human being is through receiving physical violence.


Are we so far removed from ourselves, and so detached, that we think there’s nothing wrong with this? Have we been so desensitised to violent acts that we no longer pause and blink?


I wonder how many teenagers listen to this tune and actually hear what it’s saying. What’s more worrying is how many would subconsciously absorb a ‘domestic violence is ok’ message from this (whether it’s meant to be there or not), and grow into that message.


Truly sad. Even sadder set to a boppy tune. This song really gets my goat – metaphorically.


Smoph | July 1, 2009 at 9:16 PM

It's a poor way to express it, but I think its trying to talk about that love where you drive each other to extreme frustration.

But I am worried about the things pop culture is telling young girls. Twilight saying obsessive behaviour is ok, this song trivialising violence at home and footballers showing that celebrity is all powerful.

Something must change.

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