i need to stop watching the news.

I forgot to do a friday folly. Decided I might do a sunday silly instead.


Then I watched the news. Now all I want to do is cry.


I am so over man’s inhumanity to man. As far as I’m concerned we deserve what’s coming to us. I’m sick of hearing ‘why is god doing this?’ It’s bullshit – we do it to ourselves.


A girl is shot in Iran and bleeds to death in front of a camera and now it is all over the internet. Her eyes look at the camera, then blood pours from her mouth and nose, and she dies, surrounded by her father and men trying to help her. If you want to see it just twitter search Neda.


I’m sure Neda’s not the only person who died today, but she died in front of me and now I hold the imprint. Now it has personally affected me. Now I am sad and angry. Now I mourn her death.


We need to stop killing ourselves and inflicting pain and suffering on each other. We need to get rid of this thirst for power that is behind every evil action. We are all people trying to live, trying to work out our own shit in a shitty world. We don’t need to be making it worse for ourselves. Fucking grow up, world. You suck.


Smoph | June 21, 2009 at 8:40 PM

People = suck.

I also wish we could just let others be. I am not watching the news much nowadays for this exact reason.

Hope you feel better soon.

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