Day 21: A picture of something that makes you happy.
I love seagulls. That’s right, their only fan base seems to be little kids who like to chase them, and I. If my adoration marks me as odd, I care not.
Look at them long enough when they’re quietly standing on the sand and you’ll start to hear their silence; their contemplative nature is infectious.
I’ve watched them stare out to sea with what looks like a sense of longing – for what, I don’t know, they won’t tell me. When they drift off to sleep and their head starts to nod, it’s adorable. When they fly low overhead their grey/white bodies against the aqua blue sky look amazing.
They’re much maligned. Admittedly they don’t have the dulcet tones and cheeky moves of a willy wagtail, or the grace and beauty of a swan, or much more purpose than cleaning up dropped chips and shitting on your car, but they still make me smile.
Dedicated to the wisest of gulls, Mr Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
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