Day 18: Plans, goals, dreams.
Plans. Plan. A plan. I plan to…
Goals. As previously mentioned I’m not really one for setting goals, although after enjoying plugging away at the few I set for this month I might have to revise that stance.
Dreams. Well the one I had last night was me on an alien planet hiding in an aircraft hangar trying to avoid a wicked meteor storm.
Plans Goals Dreams. It’s really the same thing. You have a dream, you turn it into a goal, you set down a plan to make it happen.
So what are mine? *cue 30 second thinking music*
This is what I desire. I want to renovate my little place so I can sell it if I want to. I could sell it as it is but I don’t want to. I want to build on this investment and get something out of it. More importantly I want to prove to myself that I can do it, because let me be quite clear here – I. Hate. Renovating.
Living on my own makes it even harder. How does anyone manage to organise a renovation around a worklife? I don’t want strange tradies in my house around all my stuff when I’m not there. And where am I going to pee? How am I going to shower when my bathroom’s out of action? I don’t want to join a gym. I don’t want to cart a towel to work to sneak upstairs and get myself all wet. Sigh.
To be honest with you my only other long term goal is to find my happiness within. Happiness and contentment is really the only goal worth having. To be happy wherever you are, doing whatever you do – that is the real nirvana.
Oh, and find love. Yes, love and a companion to share it with would be awesome. Wouldn’t hurt if he had a pretty penny or two and a place by the beach. Make it so.
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