30day challenge: 14.

Day 14: A picture of you and your family.


No can do. Well, not one picture of us all together.


I’m related to most of New Zealand and they’re all still over there, breeding like there’s no tomorrow. Every time I check Facebook another cousin’s had another baby. I’m sure they think I’m letting the side down with my childless living, but I choose to see it as doing my bit to restore the balance.


Ironically with such a large family I’m not very family oriented. I don’t catch up with them much, even though my mum, sister, niece and one of my aunties live less than 10minutes away. It really is tragic.


Every family has its issues and I don’t really feel like going into any of mine, so here are some happy snaps to fill the rest of the page. Hover over them for how they slot into my life:


my beautiful niece

rach (cuz in law), sis, jason (cuz), me


scott (cuz), and i

my favourite pic of my sis and i


gundy (cuz) and the newest edition to the family

auntie and my mum hiding at the back


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