my brain creates a wha?

Would you believe I made a connection between mobile phones and babies today?


I have a new phone, having lost my old one in a drunken state when I lost myself and blacked out. As always, it’s hard to get used to different technology, so I’ve spent the week looking at it like a foreign object, furrowed brow and all; playing with the touch screen, trying to work out the menus, spending two days working out how to set the date and time… you know the drill…


Today I had a breakthrough. I glanced at it sitting next to me and actually felt an affinity for it. It had started to integrate with me. I even didn’t mind the dusty pink cover (of which at first I wasn’t fond). It suddenly looked pretty, and workable, and mine.


This is the line that next went through my head: if I ever have a baby, it will probably be the same thing.


Good grief, I thought, that’s a bit wrong, isn’t it?


On reflection though, there’s something to it. I mean, pre-babies, we’re used to humans being grown up (mostly), then babies comes along, and it’s not like we know how to work them out straight away, right? It takes time; you read a few manuals, stare at them for a while, and wait for blessed integration to occur, right?


It sure as hell takes a long time to work out how to set the alarm correctly on them anyway, so I’ve heard.


Do you know those times when connections in your head make perfect sense, and you know where and what you’re getting at, but using words to explain it is a useless exercise? This might be one of those times…


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