Well two days out from a full moon and everyone’s gone trippy it seems. I can almost feel the crazy in the air. Ohhh, it’s a Sagittarius full moon – that explains it. Being a crazy saggi myself, I now understand…
It’s almost like every full moon has its own flavour. Sometimes I feel super-sensual around a full moon, sometimes sad, sometimes full of energy, sometimes wacked-out. This one’s definitely of the psycho kind.
I don’t think it matters if someone doesn’t agree with the moon’s influence on us in this way; to me, many people just seem to act noticeably different around a full moon, whether they’re aware of it or not.
It certainly explains my day today. Crazy came to town and everyone bought fairy floss. And truth be told, now that I’ve finished working, I’m starting to tingle a little with the crazy myself. Yeeeeaaaaahhh!
Therefore my imaginary (sorry, ethereal) friends, let’s put away the thinking thing for today and ponder the awesomeness of the moon, and what in the world this picture might possibly be trying to say -
It’s a gigantic billboard spied on my last trip to Melbourne. Can I get a ‘say what?’ brother?
I know! The full moon always brings the strange behaviour. Three of my friends and I will usually be bemoaing all of the crap that's happening before someone realises - yep, full moon!
You enjoy your weekend eh?
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