ECHO..(Echo..echo…) or, self-pity 101

4,814,527. Nice number, yes?

This is my Technorati ranking, unchanged since I started around a month ago. I guess that’s a good thing – at least I haven’t gone down. It tells me there are 4,814,526 blogs ranked higher than me. Yay for me!

Technorati also seems to take great pleasure in telling me I have ‘no authority yet’. That’s ok; it just means that no other blog in the billions of blogs out there, link to mine. None. None at all. Existential sigh.

Truth told, I don’t even know if I want reach with this blog. So far I’m happy in my own little corner of the interweb tapping away to myself about life love and lunacy, but then, what’s the purpose and point of it? Sure, it means I get to poke myself an awful lot, and you, dear reader, get to laugh, but apart from that, what does it accomplish if I’m just echoing down a dark hallway?

I’ve yet to work out where I’m going with this. I’m hoping if I stick at it long enough, some creature will rise out of the murky depths and yell “bingo!” at me, and everything will fall neatly into place. Yes, yes, that’s it. Maybe they’ll even be holding Excalibur.

So, in the meantime, mediocrity is mine. I embrace it whole-heartedly (until the aforementioned creature comes along).

[fade to black]


Aussie Locust | June 10, 2009 at 8:47 PM

"what’s the purpose and point of it"

Good question. The answer is, "us readers".

If you didn't want us here, you wouldn't have a blog. You'd just have a private diary, kept under lock and key at home.

But, writing to us gets you two things:

1) Sympathy - paper may listen to you, but it's rarely sympathetic.

2) Accountability. And this is the big one.
If you say that your going to do something in a private diary, it's between you and you. If you say it here, we know and we will remember it.

lilmel | June 10, 2009 at 9:43 PM

d'oh! that reminds me. i'm still spring cleaning!

Aussie Locust | June 10, 2009 at 9:45 PM

Exactly... and while you're at it, can you clean up SoulOwl's pot plant as well? :)

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