I’ve been pondering clouds a lot lately. I don’t know why. Just one day realised I hardly ever look up, so I did, and then I couldn’t stop. There’s a lot to learn from clouds.
Every cloud I admire will never be seen again. A cloud is the epitome of impermanence. It’s the random gathering of billions of little water crystals for a bit of a slow dance before going their separate ways… a lot like the souls on this planet.
You can get fat clouds, thin clouds, white clouds, grey clouds, tall clouds, short clouds, big lumpy clouds, tiny wispy clouds, and they’re all made out of the same stuff… a lot like the souls on this planet.
A cloud is an endless cycle of condensation and precipitation, birth and death… a lot like the souls on this planet.
A cloud can take the beauty of a something like a sunset and amplify it, or hide it away and bring disappointment… a lot like the souls on this planet.
Clouds are the best invention ever… a lot like the souls on this planet.
That's truly beautiful, Mel
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