shampoo, cut and counsel

A funny thing happened to me on the weekend. I got a haircut.


Hairdressers, taxi drivers, bar keeps, all have one thing in common – they become our mini-therapists, an outlet for our ramblings. Only this time I listened while she unburdened, and it was nice.


She’s only a few years older than me, going through similar relationship problems, the same self-doubt, same race against the biological clock, same difficulty growing up and being nice to your body. All the same “why me”, “what else can go wrong” questions.


A great thing about spontaneous therapy sessions: it flows both ways. Both people benefit.


I’m not sure what she took from me, but I will take this piece of advice from her: you have to treat yourself as someone else you’ve been charged with the responsibility of caring for.


How many times will we drop everything for a friend in need, but when we’re the ones suffering, we brush it aside?


I’m totally guilty of neglecting myself and it’s one more thing my poor body has to deal with.  I need to be kinder to myself, feed me good food, take me for regular exercise, and make sure I have my play time. All things I don’t do.


I have to become my own observer and guide. I’ve spent too long looking outwards unsuccessfully trying to find some other person to take care of me.


So, here’s a thanks to random people we call strangers, but who are in fact close friends we didn’t know existed, here to help us on our journey.