‘tis the season to be expletive deleted

Christmas can kiss my arse.


Yes, this is a rant.


I am over it. I just want to go away somewhere and enjoy being happy. By myself. No commitments to anyone else but myself.


Why the fuck do we put ourselves through this every single year? Most of us don’t believe the belief behind it anyway. We are pushed into having Christmas by commercialism. Buy buy buy – under the pretence of caring and sharing and giving instead of receiving and it’s all bollocks.


This is the most stressful time of the year. Suicides, depression, deaths, misery, divorce, road rage, shopping rage; people generally going psycho.


Is it like one final worldly purge of karma for the year? Is a greater being sitting up there with a big-arse wooden spoon stirring extra hard at the end of the year, dredging up any unfinished business, buried secrets, anything that needs to be addressed instead of repressed?


Seriously, everything and everyone kicks into manic overdrive. I can’t take any more stress. I don’t want any more politics. I am over trying to juggle everyone else’s feelings at the expense of my own. Everyone needs to grow the fuck up.


It’s just a date on a calendar; everything else that comes with it is spewed forth by us.


If I was floating in space looking back at the earth right now I suspect it would have a grey-green tinge to it. The world is sick right now.


I can’t wait for Christmas to be done with.



the world is poking

the little heart

inside my chest


collected teardrops

remain unshed

and pound my breast


my aura wavers


around my frame


i’m not sure how much

longer my heart

can play this game


The games we play with each other drain me.


Why all the power plays? Why the hurt? We believe someone’s wounded us and we strive to wound them back. Why?


An unanswered call. His mind goes into overdrive: Why is she not answering? What’s she doing? Is she trying to get the upper hand in the relationship? Is she purposely making me wait around for her? I don’t like the waiting around feeling; being the one with no power. She’s discovered how much I actually yearn for her. I’ve been found out; heart laid bare.


I know: I’ll hurt her back. Feign indifference. Stop calling her. Make her wait. Make her think the rest of my life is suddenly much more interesting than the part with her in it. Make her feel like I couldn’t give a rats whether we chat or not; edge my voice with cold. Then I will have the power and she will be the one waiting, wondering, weaving stories in her head.


See how she likes that.



It’s so childish. It makes my heart hurt. I don’t like it. Stop it.